Early Career Investigators (ECI)

Early Career researchers and clinicians, who might not yet be eligible for regular membership in the ESSPD have been invited at the 2018 ESSPD conference in Sitges to form an ESSPD Young Researchers group. An initial meeting was successful: 35 young researchers already joined a Facebook group and are willing to be active within the ESSPD.

You are welcome to join the Early Career Investigator Facebook group, where you can follow and participate in our activities if you:

  • have a professional background as, e.g., MD, psychologist, psychotherapist, social worker, etc.,
  • are postgraduate professionals in the field (with or without doctoral degree),
  • have a strong interest in the field of personality disorders (research, clinical work, teaching, others),
  • are below the age of 40 years,
  • are willing to contribute to the work of the ESSPD.

Every two years ESSPD grants the Early Career Researcher Award. Please find more information and how to apply on our Awards page.