ESSPD Board Members

Michaela Swales


Professor of Clinical Psychology, North Wales Clinical Psychology Programme, Bangor University

Bangor, UK

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Chiara de Panfilis


Psychiatrist and Associate Professor of Psychiatry, University of Parma

Parma, Italy

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Ueli Kramer

Past President

Department of Psychiatry, University of Lausanne

Lausanne, Switzerland

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Joost Hutsebaut

Board Member and Treasurer

Clinical psychologist, working as a therapist and researcher at De Viersprong National Institute of Personality Disorders

Amsterdam, Netherlands

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Rasa Barkauskienė

Board member

Professor for Clinical Psychology and Head of Developmental Psychopathology Research Center at the Institute of Psychology, Vilnius University, Lithuania

Vilnius, Lithuania

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Katja Bertsch

Board member

Professor for Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the Department of Psychology, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich

Munich, Germany

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Mickey T Kongerslev

Board member

Chief psychologist at Mental Health Services West, Region Zealand, Denmark; Professor of personality disorders and psychotherapy, at the Department of Psychology, University of Southern Denmark; and President of the Institute of Personality Theory and Psychopathology (IPTP) in Denmark.


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Mariana Mendoza Alvarez

Board member and Early Career Researcher representative

Antwerp, Belgium

Christian Schmahl

Christian Schmahl

Board member

Medical Director of the Department of Psychosomatic Medicine at the Central Institute of Mental Health in Mannheim

Mannheim, Germany

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Andres Kaera

Consultant to the Board

Kanta-Häme Central Hospital

Hämeenlinna, Finland

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Advisory board

Anthony Bateman

President 2010-2014

Director of Psychotherapy Services, Halliwick Psychotherapy Unit, St Ann’s Hospital

London, United Kingdom

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Martin Bohus

President 2014-2016

Department of Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy, Central Institute of Mental Health

Mannheim, Germany

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Lars Mehlum

President 2016-2018

National Centre for Suicide Research and Prevention
Institute of Clinical Medicine

Oslo, Norway

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Stephan Doering

President 2018 – 2020

Clinic for Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, Medical University Vienna

Vienna, Austria

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Babette Renneberg

President 2020 – 2022

Director of the Outpatient Psychotherapy Treatment Centre at Freie Universität Berlin and director of a training program in child and adolescent cognitive-behaviour therapy (ZGFU).

Berlin, Germany

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Thomas Rinne

Founding President

Utrecht, Netherlands

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